Friday, August 19, 2011

Why I Build Muscle at the Age of 45

Why I Build Muscle at the Age of 50

even though I am only 45 right now I believe this article still holds some
key principles and I hope to be building muscle for the next five years
and beyond:

Why I Build Muscle at the Age of 50

Lately its occurred to me that I’m in a groove, my schedule, diet, routine and rest are all in sync and its fun when everything is moving in the desired direction Naturally when its fun the inclination is to focus more and work harder, which has led me to be in the gym a lot. Enough so that some people at my gym have commented on how much time I’m spending lifting and how cool it is “at my age” to take fitness so seriously.

This got me to thinking, about why I actually work out. I mean is it because I take fitness so seriously? I never really thought about the reasons why I do what I do, it is just who I am. But in thinking I have concluded that there are 4 reasons I build muscle at 50, and the 2 biggest reasons are nowhere near what you would think. In other words, they have nothing to do with my health or appearance.

Let me start with the two obvious reasons, those would be the previously mentioned health and appearance. I could drone on and on about the health benefits of muscle building at every age but suffice it to say they are real, and it is in and of itself reason enough to do it. They say 60 is the new 40 and they are right, and it is because of a better understanding of all things related to muscle building, diet, rest, and a general devotion to a healthy lifestyle.

I am a believer in responsibility, accountability and consequence in all things life. The point is that the people you see walking around with bodies you wish you had weren’t born that way, contrary to what those that don’t have these bodies think. They have chosen to look that way and pay the price every day to do so. That price is hitting the gym, eating properly and living clean. I decided a long time ago that when I was 50 I would not look like the average 50 year old.

I don’t and I am proud of that fact. So I do work out to affect my health and appearance. But they aren’t the two biggest reasons.

Mohammad Ali, once he reached middle age was asked where the angry rebel attitude of his youth went. His response was “A man that views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20, has wasted 30 years of life”. You have to be 50 to know the wisdom of this comment. As much as you might think you will, you will NOT view things the same as you age. You do things for different reasons and you will value different things. For example, I still like and listen to the music of my youth. It makes me feel young. But that’s the music of MY youth. Not the youth of today. When I WAS young I swore I would always listen to current music. I had NO idea at 20 how I would think at 50!

Age has taught me to appreciate the journey, not the destination.

Though the destination is important, having a good, attractive, healthy body, I understand and value MORE how you get there.

The actual effort required to accomplish the goal.
The beauty is in the process, this is where the metal of a man is tested.

To have and live out the discipline to “do it right”, without the benefit of youth is hard, and because of that, it demands and commands respect. I like knowing that other people notice and respect that I do it. It is this feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment that washes over me after a tough gym session, after a long day of work, that drives me to not take days off or take it easy because of my age.

Lastly, the final reason I build muscle at this age? It’s because I still can.

Once you arrive at my age you realize and know that it's VERY possible that in the blink of an eye, that could change. So by using the other 3 reasons for building muscle I help create the fourth, and since I like still being able to build muscle, I am smart enough do know that "if it ain't broke, don't mess with it".

Monday, August 08, 2011

While Jesus Is Waiting.................

While Jesus Is Waiting

August 8, 2011 • Category: Gospel of John

Today’s scripture: John 11:1-16 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Robert Ferguson):

As I studied the reading for today I could not help but be reminded of the old familiar adage: “God’s delays are not necessarily God’s denials.”

I think it is important to read ahead to verse 21. Martha, the sister of the now deceased Lazarus, rushes to Jesus and says, “If you had been here, my brother would not have died.” I always find this to be the most compelling line of this story. As modern day believers we have the advantage of seeing this story played out in its completion. In our piety we may frown upon what Martha is saying here, but if we are honest, who among us has not been guilty of saying, “Lord, what is taking so long?”

We’ve probably all had difficult situations where we went to God in earnest prayer, asking for some sort of deliverance or quick healing. I encourage you today to read this passage and understand that all of the individuals in this story knew that if there was going to be a victory in the circumstance of Lazarus’s death, it would come only through Jesus.

So the primary issue for us and in this story doesn’t have to be one of faith. We have familiarized ourselves with the promises of God. We believe, or at least can believe, that God is capable of moving in mighty ways — I don’t know about you, but I have evidence of what God will do. The place where the rubber meets the road is that place where we’re stuck in the gap between the fantastic promise of abundant life and the painful reality of life in a fallen world. It’s when we look about in confusion and hope that God will show up to make things right.

But we wonder, “Why is God waiting?” It’s when God’s clear calling on our lives is to do something that is difficult, painful, or seemingly beyond our ability — it’s when God wants us to do something totally beyond our strength or ability to manage that God shows up. Let’s not be surprised that confusion and perplexity are exactly where Jesus puts his followers in today’s text and in today’s world.

It is in this place of confusion and perplexity that we find all we can do is wait on God. Today, Jesus tells us that our waiting is not in vain. Our patience and faith are necessary in order for God’s true glory to be revealed. So, in the face of confusion, when Jesus seems to be waiting to enter into our lives, this passage challenges us to respond in faith by persevering in our discipleship with Christ.

Thought for the day: Lord, teach me to wait on you!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.